About Me

My time at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has shown me what is possible throughout the field of computer science and how it connects to all other fields in ways I couldn't have imagined before coming to the university. Now that I am working on completing my Masters, I have a better sense of what is possible and what I can contribute, whether it be working in data science using SQL queries, python to construct a neural network using PyTorch, C++ to build a game with Unreal Engine 5, Haskell to write an interpreter for other programming languages, or C to communicate with other systems over a network using OpenMP and MPI, the possibilities are endless.

Right now, I'm learning about what it takes to become an AI engineer while still expanding my knowledge of front-end web development with the creation of this portfolio website.

In the future, I plan to explore how mobile applications are created to better understand the field of IoT within computer science.